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School Day: 8:40 - 15:10

Diary Dates - This Week 

07/10 - SHINE collective worship

09/10 - Parent Lunch - Reception

10/10 - Reception Stay and Play 

10/10 - Y3/4 Football Comp

14/10  SHINE Collective Worship

15/10 - Mobile Library

16/10 -  Y1 Parent Lunch

17/10 - Reception stay and play

17/10 - Y1/2 Football Comp

Future Dates

21/10 - Y6 Bikeability

23/10 - Y2 Parent Lunch

24/10 - Girls Football Comp

25/10 - School Closes

04/11 - School Opens

04/11 - SHINE Collective Worship

06/11 - Y5/6 Netball Comp

11/11 - SHINE Collective Worship

11/11 - Flu vaccinations in school

12/11 - Mobile Library

13/11 - Parents Evening



If your child leaves school unsupervised, please ensure you complete this form.


If your child is due to start secondary school in 2024, please see attached letter.


 If your child is due to start Primary school in 2024, please see attached letter.








Special Education Needs

At Kirk Smeaton C of E School we recognise that all our children are different and amazing.  We love to celebrate everyone's individuality.  We also recognise that at times some children need additional support in order for them to reach their true potential.  This page is all about how we can support your child at school, but also as a Local Authority.  Kirk Smeaton is in North Yorkshire, but it boarders the Doncaster Authority, so depending on where you live depends on the local offer that is available to you.


SEN and North Yorkshires Local Offer- please see the link 


SEN And Doncasters Local Offer please see the link 


SEND Parent support- Doncaster:    


Please see the schools inclusion policy and the SEND information for parents and carers for more information. Please see the schools adaptive teaching model.  



Parents wishing to find out more about the Dyslexia SpLD Trust - an organisation of reliable information for parents, teachers, schools and the wider sector; which acts as the main communication channel between government, leading dyslexia organisations, parents, schools, colleges, teachers and the sector.  Can click on this link


The North Yorkshire Parent Partnership Website for all parents and carers who have a child with Special Educational Needs (SEN) is available from the link below: