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School Day: 8:40 - 15:10

Diary Dates - This Week 

20/01 - SHINE Collective Worship

22/01 - Y3 Parent Dinner

22/01 - Dolphin's class visitor 

23/01 - Lions Basketball Comp

Future Dates

27/01 - SHINE Collective Worship

29/01 - Y4 Parent dinner

30/01 - Dolphins Basketball Comp

30/01 - Chinese Dance Workshop

03/02 - SHINE Collective Worship

04/02 - Mobile Library

06/02 - KS2 Swimming Gala

07/02 - Internet Safety Day

10/02 - SHINE Collective Worship

12/02 - Eagles Trip

13/02 - Candlemas Service in church

13/01 - KS1 Gymnastic Comp

14/02 - Valentines Meal

14/02 - School Closes

24/02 - School Opens





If your child leaves school unsupervised, please ensure you complete this form.


If your child is due to start secondary school in 2024, please see attached letter.


 If your child is due to start Primary school in 2024, please see attached letter.








For information prior to September 2020, please click here.


Current Risk Assessment - April 2022

Return to school - Covid Recovery Plan - June 2021

PE Risk Assessment - March 2021

E-Safety - March 2021

NYCC Music Service

Change to the school day - June 2021



The government has announced that anyone with symptoms of coronavirus is now eligible to book a test, ahead of the rollout of the test and trace service. Anyone experiencing a new, continuous cough; high temperature; or a loss of, or change, in their normal sense of smell or taste (anosmia) can book a test here.


Child protection document

Child protection document has been updated in light of COVID-19. Click here to view the document.



DFE Helpline has been launched to answer your questions about COVID-19 in relation to education. You can contact them on:

Phone: 0800 046 8687


Opening Hours: 8am to 6pm


Test and Trace

Information on the app can be found here.


Letter 29th June 2021

Good Morning All,

There are currently a high volume of children and adults testing positive in the local area and I would ask that everyone remains vigilant at the current time. Please stay 2m apart, wear a mask and be on time for pick ups and drop offs.

If your child is displaying symptoms of COVID (high temperature, new continuous cough and loss or change to taste or smell), as per the Government guidance, a PCR test needs to be booked at a testing site. Lateral flow tests are only to pick up cases where people do not have symptoms and a PCR test is required to confirm these cases. Please do not bring your child to school if they are not well.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding.



Siblings 8.40-2.50pm

Starfish Explorers 12.30-2.50pm

Starfish 8.40-2.50pm

Dolphins 8.45-2.55pm

Lions 8.50-3pm

Eagles 8.55-3.05pm


Letter 7th January 2021

Dear parents, 

I hope you’re well. 
Thank you for your patience while we have been getting everything ready for learning at home. 
We have experienced increased numbers of children requiring keyworker and vulnerable places, this has meant that all staff are required in school, so please be aware that staff are in classes and checking emails, so there may be a delay in getting back to parents. 
I would like to say thank you to my staff for organising child places, responding to emails, providing workpacks and planning, attending meetings and lots of other things that happen behind the scene. We did not have an emergency closure, like so many schools did, so we could accommodate keyworker and vulnerable children from Tuesday. This has meant that staff have had to work many long evenings, whilst still supporting their own families. 
Teachers have prepared work for children to access daily, if you have any issues, please get in contact through dojo/tapestry/email. From next week, teachers will be organising a zoom session on a Monday and Friday, to share the learning for the week and to check in with pupils at the end of the week.  Teachers will send the link out on dojo, so please keep an eye out for this.  I will be delivering collective worship at 1pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next week for the children at school and home. I will also be doing a collective worship tomorrow (Friday 8th January) at 1pm. Please see the link and I hope to see as many children there as possible (I appreciate that some families may struggle as they have limited internet and devices at home). 

Topic: Collective worship

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 733 187 4633
Passcode: DGN1e1
When accessing zoom, children should use their first name and the first letter of their surname and be on mute, if you don't want your child to be seen, they should disable their camera too. Please login at least 10 minutes before the session begins, all children will enter a waiting room and will be accepted into the meeting by the member of staff delivering the session.  Please do not share the link with anyone other than your child or print screen any content within the session. 

I am sure there will be a few teething issues, so please expect this and let's hope things get easier the more we use it. 

I met with governors yesterday, to talk through health and safety and we have updated the risk assessment in light of the current government message 'stay home, protect the NHS, Save lives.'  Please see the risk assessment attached. 

Keep safe, 

Mrs Cuddy 



Letter 10th December 2020

Dear parent/carers,

First of all, I do very much hope that this communication finds you all in good health and positive spirits as we approach the festive season and see out what has been a year to remember.

I am writing to communicate the arrangements for the Christmas period.

In relation to the last week of the autumn term, our priority remains ensuring that education continues for all children with as little disruption as possible. Therefore, in line with Government guidelines, we will be expecting all children to attend school until we break up on Friday 18th December.

As you are aware, if a positive case is confirmed in school we are required to identify close contacts and advise of the need to self-isolate. The identification of close contacts includes those people who have been in close proximity in the 2 days before symptoms appear or a positive test result is received. It is therefore extremely important that we are notified immediately should your child develop symptoms or receive a positive test result over the Christmas holidays (19th- 24th December). This will allow us to work with the DfE and Public Health England to assess whether any fellow pupils or staff members are required to self-isolate. Moreover, your timely communication will afford us enough time to be able to communicate to those affected any actions that must be taken.

Emails will be checked daily up to 24th December and if we require to inform a family that they will need to isolate an email will be sent. Please be aware that the below only applies when a child who attends Kirk Smeaton CE school has a positive test result. You do not need to report if anyone else in the household has a positive test, or if your child has symptoms but does not have a positive test.

Positive COVID-19 test results must be reported by email to

Please provide the following information:

• Your name

• Child’s name

• Contact telephone number

• Date symptoms started

• Date of test

• Date of positive test result

If you have recently changed your contact details, please notify the school office to ensure we are able to contact you over the holiday period.

If you have had a positive case in your household, or have been informed of a need to self-isolate and are at all unsure as to whether your child should return to school on Tuesday 5th January, please email the school office for support or ring 111 for guidance.

I wish you all an enjoyable and relaxing Christmas period. Please stay safe and I look forward to welcoming you back in the New Year.

Kindest regards

Mrs Cuddy


Letter 1st November 2020

Dear Parents and Carers, 

As you are probably aware we are going into a national lockdown on Thursday 5th November. This will not affect primary schools, we are open as usual, so we will see you bright and breezy tomorrow morning! 

We hope that we won't be affected by COVID, but if the virus spreads in school, we may be forced to close. Here are a few things you can do to help everyone keep safe at Kirk Smeaton CE Primary School. 

  •  Please drop off and pick up at your allocated time. Please leave the site as quick as possible and keep to 2m distance with everyone. If you need to send a message to the teacher please use dojo, tapestry or email 
  • Wear a mask to keep yourself safe. 
  • If your child is ill, keep them off school and speak to a member of admin.  If you need medical advice, please speak to your GP or for anything COVID related ring 119. 
  • If anyone in your household has symptoms of COVID 19, please stay off school or work and book a test immediately. Symptoms are a new continuous cough, loss of smell or taste or/and high temperature. 
  • Please test your child’s temperature each morning, if it is 37.8 degrees or above please do not send your child to school and book a test.
  • Talk to your child about the importance of social distancing from others and the use of sanitising. We will be regularly hand sanitising and washing hands thoroughly before eating. 
  • Please ensure you child has a warm waterproof coat and sensible school shoes. 
  • Bring a filled water bottle, hand sanitiser, packet of tissues, reading book and planner to school daily. 
Please see the Risk Assessment for more information.  
Thank you for your continued support. 
Kindest regards 
Mrs Cuddy 


NYCC Guide


Guide For Parents