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School Day: 8:40 - 15:10

Diary Dates - This Week 

20/01 - SHINE Collective Worship

22/01 - Y3 Parent Dinner

22/01 - Dolphin's class visitor 

23/01 - Lions Basketball Comp

Future Dates

27/01 - SHINE Collective Worship

29/01 - Y4 Parent dinner

30/01 - Dolphins Basketball Comp

30/01 - Chinese Dance Workshop

03/02 - SHINE Collective Worship

04/02 - Mobile Library

06/02 - KS2 Swimming Gala

07/02 - Internet Safety Day

10/02 - SHINE Collective Worship

12/02 - Eagles Trip

13/02 - Candlemas Service in church

13/01 - KS1 Gymnastic Comp

14/02 - Valentines Meal

14/02 - School Closes

24/02 - School Opens





If your child leaves school unsupervised, please ensure you complete this form.


If your child is due to start secondary school in 2024, please see attached letter.


 If your child is due to start Primary school in 2024, please see attached letter.









The government has announced that anyone with symptoms of coronavirus is now eligible to book a test, ahead of the rollout of the test and trace service. Anyone experiencing a new, continuous cough; high temperature; or a loss of, or change, in their normal sense of smell or taste (anosmia) can book a test here.


1.4.20 Child protection document

Child protection document has been updated in light of COVID-19. Click here to view the document.


March 2020 DFE

DFE Helpline has been launched to answer your questions about COVID-19 in relation to education. You can contact them on:

Phone: 0800 046 8687


Opening Hours: 8am to 6pm


Letter 30th August 2020


Dear parents,


I hope you are having a lovely Summer holiday.

The government have published more counties on the quarantine list and this could potentially expand over the coming weeks. This could have implications for your child returning to school on the Tuesday 8th September.

If you have travelled abroad from 23rd August, please contact school at so we can discuss any problems that may arise.

We are open to all pupils from the Tuesday 8th September, but if your child is unwell in any way please contact school office to discuss the symptoms. Parents are advised to check their child's temperature each morning and if it is over 37.8 degrees, or if your child has any symptoms of COVID, please stay indoors and book a test immediately.

Please see the risk assessment, it is important that you read this carefully, if you have any queries please contact school through the school email.

Please see the link for Autumn term information for parents.

If you need to book an after school place, please complete the attached form and email it to school ASAP please - all sessions must be booked 1 week in advance.

Mrs Beck will be running Breakfast Club from 7:40 - any queries or bookings must be made via - agani, these must be booked in advance.

For children accessing the school bus, please contact the Local Authority for more information of how this will work.

We are all excited to get back to the ‘new normal’ and welcoming all our families back.

Enjoy the rest of the holiday.

Kindest regards

Mrs Cuddy


Risk Assessment


Letter 17th July 2020


Dear parents/carers,


I hope you and your family are all safe and well.


We are excited to say that we are open in September to all pupils! Whilst this is great news, we still need to be observant and adhere to government guidelines. I have attached the schools Risk Assessment for your information. It has guidance on the school days and how the after school clubs will work. It is extremely important that you thoroughly read the information so that you know about the changes that your family will see in September. Please note that there maybe last minute changes as government guidance is updated, I will of course up date you on any changes as soon as possible.

Please note that there are staggered times for drop off and pick up. Children will be greeted by their teacher at the main gate at the top of the drive and children will filter into the classroom. All adults are asked to stay 2m apart and follow the one way system in place. Families with siblings can send all their children in at the same time, we ask that you use the youngest siblings drop off and pick up time please.

Nursery and Reception children and parents are able to walk to the Starfish gate, but parents must say goodbye at the Starfish gate. At home time, they will be walked round to the main gate by our staff for collection.

We have made the school dinner time a shorter period of time to ensure that we can provide cooked dinners to all who choose them whilst keeping all children in separate bubbles. This has meant that the school day is shorter by 30 minutes. Previously we have been able to have lots of children in the school hall eating dinner at once, however we now have social distancing of adults and bubbles to think about and we have to adhere to the staffs lunchtime hours.

If your child has a packed lunch, please see the guidance on what a healthy packed lunch looks like. Children usually take 15-20 minutes to eat school dinners. The issue can often be that children having a large pack up take up to 45 minutes to eat it. I appreciate the need to ensure loved ones don't go hungry, but the guidance will provide a well balanced meal that will ensure your child will have lots of energy for brain power through the day! Children in Reception, Y1 and Y2 are entitled to a free universal meal, and a menu has already been sent home for you to see. If there are any meals your child does not like, please remember to let the school office know so we can provide an alternative. Any previous preferences will not be carried forward - we need their choices reconfirmed please.

The after school club is pre-bookable only and there will be no bookings made on the day. A booking form is attached for you to complete. Please make sure that you book a place a week in advance at least. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis, so please let us know as soon as possible. Due to the change in the school day, our childcare will run up to 5.30pm. The same charges apply. Children are able to bring an healthy snack and fruit will be available for children, there will be no sandwiches provided in the first half term. When picking up from the after school club in the Starfish classroom, please knock at the starfish door and wait, no adults should enter the room unless there is an emergency.

Debbie Drake will be providing KS2 sports clubs on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Please contact Debbie if requiring a place on 07879 687 847. The risk assessment gives more detail about these sessions.

Mrs Beck is providing breakfast club from 7:40 until the start of school. Sessions will need to be booked 1 week in advance, and there are limited numbers. Please contact Mrs Beck for more information on 01977 621 521 or by visiting .

In the interests of everyones health and safety and due to the current Covid19 situation unfortunately the school grounds/equipment are not accessible to children over the Summer period.

From myself and the team, we are very excited to see you in September and we hope that you have a wonderful holiday.

Kindest regards

Mrs Cuddy

Risk Assessment

After School Booking Form



Letter 29th June 2020

Dear parents/carers,

I hope you are all safe and well. We are currently planning to have all classes back as normal in September, but we await further guidance from the government and local authority. I had hoped that we would be able to provide a transitional week on the W/c 13th July, but this raised some H&S concerns under the current government guidance, so we are unable to offer this.

We expect to open to all pupils on Tuesday 8th September, but expect to receive an email from school nearer the time with any changes that may be needed in light of government guidance. Teachers have shared curriculum coverage with your child's next teacher so that they can incorporate the skills they may have missed into planning for next year. In the first two weeks in September, we will spend some time easing children back in to school and allowing children to say bye to their previous teacher and get to know their new teacher.

You will receive your child’s school report shortly with a letter from their new teacher/s to share with your child and if you wish for your child to write to their new teacher, it would be welcomed. They could write about their likes and dislikes, favourite things to do, their favourite film, programme or book, favourite characters, favourite subjects and things that help your child when learning.

We are unsure if can open the after school club in September, we hope that we can, but it will depend on different bubbles of children mixing, so once we have more information, we will contact you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience, we understand the constraints this imposes on family and working life, but be rest assured we are doing everything in light of government guidance and your child's safety is at the heart of all the decisions made.

Kindest regards,

Mrs Cuddy


Letter 18th June 2020

Dear Parents and carers,

I hope that you are all well and keeping safe.  If you or someone in your household has suspected COVID, please inform school of your situation, this information will be shared with the local authority. 

School has opened to more pupils over the past few weeks and things are going well. The children are adapting to social distance measures very well. 

For all those accessing home learning, keep emailing home learning to the teachers and if you require some support or encouragement, please let us know and as we are happy to support where we can.   

We are looking at transition for September and usually we would spend some time during this term to allow children to adapt to their new setting and with their new teachers.  We aim to do this on the W/C 13th July, depending on government guidance and social distancing recommendations.  Children will be invited in to each class in bubbles of up to 15 children each day.  It is not compulsory for parents to send their child. More information will be sent out nearer the time. 

Please see the plans for where staff will be working in September.  There are minimal changes, we hope this will support pupils in preparation for September.  We are awaiting government guidance on how schools should open and structure classes from September, so these plans may change.

Class Teacher Teaching Assistant
Starfish Miss Ghent

Mrs Holmes

Afternoons - Mrs Whittles

Dolphins Miss Yardley

Mornings - Mrs Whittles

Afternoons - Mrs Sheen


Mrs Hursthouse

Mrs Brear

Mrs Holt
Eagles Mrs Holmes

Miss Harrison

Mornings - Miss Greenaway












Our Y6 children will be leaving us this year, it is so sad to think that they won’t have the usual end of term activities.  All children in school are invited to write a message to the Y6 leavers, we hope to put these together and send them to the Y6 to say good bye.  Please send these to before Friday 3rd July.

We have managed to arrange a virtual meeting with Campsmount, so if any Y6 children or parents would like to ask a question, please email them to before Monday 22nd June.  Y6 parents (maximum of 2 parents per child) and children are invited to an end of year presentation on Thursday 9th July, weather permitting.  The morning will consist of a presentation, the Y6 children will be encouraged to share their best memories at Kirk Smeaton CE School.  Mrs Holmes will provide you with more information. We really hope this event will go ahead, we appreciate that not all parents and children will be able to attend, so we hope to take pictures and film of the event and share with Y6 families at a later date. If the planned transition week goes ahead on W/C 13 July, then the Y6 pupils last day will be Friday 10th July.

Over the coming weeks you will receive your child’s schools report. We are so sorry that your child has missed out on the end of their school year and we hope that things will regain to some kind of normality in September.  Teachers have reported on all areas as usual, but we have removed attendance in light of COVID.


Thank you for your continued patience and support,

Kindest regards

Mrs Cuddy


Letter 29th May 2020 

Dear Parents, 

I hope that you are all keeping well and enjoying half term. 

Firstly, I would like to say a big thank you to all children and parents for their patience during the last 10 weeks. 

I sent out a letter to all parents last week giving details of the risk assessment and asked all parents to complete the form if they required a place for their child. All those who have replied should have received a letter detailing start and finishing times. Places for the 1st June have been allocated, if parents have not completed the form and would like to be considered for a keyworker place or a place for a child in Nursery, Reception, Y1 or Y6 please complete the form and return to the admin email address by Monday 1st June. Once we have received forms, places will be allocated and you will be sent a confirmation letter with a start date if we are able to accommodate your child. Please note the earliest date that we may be able to offer a place from now would be Monday, 8th June.

Teachers will be working more at school so they will reply to messages as and when they can.

Planning will available on the website from 1st June. 

If you require any support, please let us know, the admin team will be available answering calls from Monday- Thursday 9:30-2.30pm. 

Mrs Rixham will be leaving us this month, we thank for for her service at Kirk Smeaton CofE School. Mrs Rixham has worked as a dinner lady for the past 4 years, and she has been a valued and caring member of our team. She was sad to leave, especially as she won’t see children or staff, but she said she will be coming to say goodbye to everyone when we get back to some kind of normal. 

Take care and stay safe, 

Mrs Cuddy 



Letter 8th May 2020

Dear parents and children, 

I hope this email finds you well. 

Now that most children are sending in work and staff are able to read and comment directly with your child, we have decided to no longer do the weekly celebrations within this newsletter. For some parents,  it will be a relief, I wanted to reduce the pressure for all parents. I hope you understand why I have made this decision. This certainly made me think and I can only apologise if you have felt like this (If you cannot access facebook to view this, a copy of the post is attached). 

We will continue emailing you child with positive comments on the work they send in. If your child is struggling to put pen to paper and you think a chat or special email from myself or their teacher would help, please let us know. 

We are yet to hear from the government when schools will reopen. There are lots of speculation regarding dates, as soon as we know more, we will share this with you. 

We are developing a plan to look at how we can open school to pupils safely. We will share this with when we have heard more. The main aim is for all children, staff and parents to be safe. 

Please see the messages attached from Fr Adrian, Compass Buzz and the LA. 

Thank care and stay safe 

Mrs Cuddy 


Attachment 1

Attachment 2

Attachment 3

Attachment 4



Letter 1st May 2020

Dear parents and children,

I hope this email finds you well.

Thank you to those of you who have emailed messages and work to teachers, we are thrilled with you all, you’re all doing a super job.

Please remember that you can email teachers with any home learning you have been doing during the week and the teachers are giving feedback to your work. Please use email if you require any support.

If you are in receipt of certain benefits, you could be eligible for free school meals, please see the link for more information If you qualify, please email us so we can provide families with a food hamper for the week. An application form is also attached to this email.

Celebration time!

Headteacher star award
Laila for doing some writing, but then wrote it again and made it even better by editing it!
Sam H for an amazing self portrait and for persevering with this when he found it difficult.
Anna for doing lots of writing her name practice, number and letter recognition work, as well as tons of creative things!
Quinn for editing his chronological report and making it a better piece of writing.
Mrs Holmes awards
Eva for doing lots of work in all areas of the curriculum and being very creative.
Isy for doing lots of work in all areas of the curriculum and being very creative.
Mrs Brear and Mrs Hursthouse awards
Leksi for completing lots of work and challenging herself with her maths work.
Abigail for a beautiful letter to her loved ones in English, using paragraphs and neat handwriting.
Miss Yardley awards
Harry M for doing amazing writing, using adjectives, verbs and adverbs this week and keeping a daily scientific log of his plants growing.
Emily for always being a superstar and trying her best with all her work even when it gets a bit tricky.
Miss Ghent awards
Eva for writing the story of Hansel and Gretel and for her retelling of the story.
Florence for making an amazing gingerbread house.
Well done to those who have been working on spelling shed and TT Rock stars.
Bazzle the bee, goes to Y5 again- well done! I wonder if another class will win it next week?
There have been a few issues with numerbots. Please log in to Kirk Smeaton CEVC and you should be able to access it. There seems to have been two Kirk Smeaton schools accounts, which has lead to some children not being able to log in.
Take care and stay safe

Mrs Cuddy


Please see the resources below that you might find supportive to you.

Some science/nature activities

Some family activities

Maths website with some useful games

Phonics resources that have been produced by the government whilst in lockdown

Oxford owl have lots of book band books that can be read online. Parents can sign up for free.


Attachment 1

Attachment 2



Letter 27th April 202

Good Afternoon All,

All of us here at Kirk Smeaton have really been missing everyone, so we've been getting creative this weekend and have a message we'd like to share with the children on the attached.


Mrs J Maltby



Letter 25th April 2020


Hi all, 

Welcome to the Summer term, I hope you had a lovely Easter holiday with your families and that you are all safe and well. 

This week, we have been phoning our many families,  it has been so lovely to hear about all the amazing things you have been doing. If we have not got through to you yet, we will keep trying. The emails that have been received, have been super, we have added a few pictures on our facebook page. Thank you. 

Please let us know if there are any issue or you need our help, we are here to support where we can.  Email

We had a few parents who have not received our letters and messages.  We do put copies of our emails on the website so if you think you have missed anything please check here. 

A big thank you to those who have taken part in the sponsored walk.  There is still time to complete the walk and get as many sponsors as possible, please share with friends and families.


Celebration time!
Headteacher star award- I have added every child in the celebration assembly this week.  You have worked extremely hard over the Easter holidays and we are extremely proud of you.
Parents, you also get a special mention too, thank you for all you do. 
Mrs Holmes awards
Jacob- has worked his socks off with doing a range of activities all week.  Well done for your work and super attitude too.
Erin and Brendan- fantastic research for Geography and History and they have made some lovely baking too.
Mrs Brear and Mrs Hursthouse awards
Riley- he has completed lots of school work and has even helped his dad build a compost heap from scratch.
Max- for a beautifully letter he wrote- well done Max. 
Phoebe- well done for working so hard and sharing your learning with your teachers. 
Miss Yardley awards
Daisy - for doing so much work this week and being so motivated.  She even made a bowling alley in the back garden!
Cobie - well done for doing some super topic and writing work and remembering  all his punctuation!
Miss Ghent awards
Arthur M - for being so diligent and completing all the work set. He has done some great halving work and writing about Little Red Riding Hood. Amazing work!
Evie R - completed written speech bubbles for the characters in Little Red Riding Hood with a list of her favourite things to do in the forest.  Super work.
Well done to those who have been working on spelling shed and TT Rock stars. 
Bazzle the bee goes to Y5 children!
One of our kind parents has shared some resources that have been given by East Riding council. Please see the links below. I hope they will support you and your child/ren.

The first link relates to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people, including an easy read document for supporting people with learning disabilities. The second is a link to 'Every Mind Matters' which is the national public health platform used to promote positive mental health. It has useful tips for people working from home, and those looking after children and young people, as well as links to get support for yourself, or someone else.


Take care and God bless you all.



Letter 19th April 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

We hope you have had a wonderful Easter and made the most of the lovely dry weather.

We had confirmation from the government that schools are under lockdown for the next three weeks. Teachers have put together work for your child to follow over the next two weeks.  Please see, under each class home learning page.  Learning will be updated every two weeks. 

Please remember to email us weekly either at or the learning platform that has been previously shared with you.  Teachers are excited to hear about what you have been doing and will be responding to your messages. Please send pictures too, we would love to add them to our facebook page and on the school website.

We would appreciate all children and parents checking in with us at least once a week, please.

Thank you to those of you who have been walking and sharing the fundraising link with friends and family.  If you have not had chance yet, there is still time to do this, please share with loved ones. 

Thank you in advance. 

Thank you and keep safe.

Hannah Cuddy



Letter 26th March 2020

Dear Parents and Children,  

I hope you're all well and keeping safe. 

This week has been a real rollercoaster and there are a lot of questions to ask and think about.  I hope that with the rapid response of the government, we can slow the pandemic down and with prayers and a positive attitude we get back to some normality soon.

Each teacher has written a note for your child/ren.  We are all missing them and hope that this message is welcomed.  Please see the messages attached to this email.

I would like to say a huge thank you for your patience and consideration during this time.  I understand the implications of juggling work and home schooling.  We are using our facebook page to send links for additional learning opportunities (a full list of online resources can be found on the school website- student zone), where children can work independently, so parents can get some well-deserved ‘time out’ (AKA work!).  

We are also asking parents to send us a diary of their day, this is to support each other and these will be posted on our facebook page. We would love to hear about all the things that have gone well, but also the stories that will make us laugh too.  Please encourage your children to write a diary also, we would love to hear about their day

I have put together some questions and answers, in an offering to support you all.   



I have to work and look after my child/ren too, how?

I would suggest that you focus on what you can do.  Set a timetable for what you need to do and also what the children need.  I appreciate working from home with young children is hard, sometimes impossible, so don't set yourself too many aims for the day.   Prioritise the main bits and allow your child/ren play in the garden or on play educational games on their tablets.  

If you your partner is a keyworker and you are left alone, it might be worth setting a timetable for childcare.  For example 6-8am Parent A works at home.  8-4 Parent B goes to work.  6-8pm Parents A works at home while parent B puts the children to bed.


How should I home school my child?

Only do what you can realistically fit in.   Ideally, you would do one English task, one Maths task and one topic task per day.  Children will then access PE from Joe Wicks or out in the garden, spelling shed, maths online games, rock stars, art etc.

Also, think about the things that your child needs more time on, for example baking, telling the time, riding a bike, learning to plait hair, playing with lego, sewing, knitting, playing an instrument....  In supporting your child in these activities it may spark an interest and they could become future hobbies and something that you and your child will cherish forever.


How long will this go on for? 

We don't know! All we know is that we have to follow the government guidance to stay in and be safe and hopefully it will be over sooner.  We hope that all children can return to school this academic year and that they will be able to finish this year with their friends and teachers.  We are all excited to get back into a routine and see your smiling faces.


My children are not listening! What do I do?

Positive praise is amazing- you just have to find the smallest thing to praise for and things can get a whole lot better. Plan activities that children will want to take part in i.e.  Easter craft, read their favourite book and paint pictures of characters/scene, use different ways to be creative. 

Try a behaviour chart, make it a positive, allow them to earn points which will enable them to have a daily or weekly treat.


My child is not getting the social interaction they need, what can I do?

Part of school learning is understanding social cues, falling out with friends, rebuilding friendships, saying sorry, caring for each other and many more important lessons. Your child will miss these learning opportunities during this time.  Use things like facetime, zoom and house party to get all your friends together.  Allow the children to entertain themselves together without adults leading the conversation.

Go for a rainbow walk, lots of children and adults are drawing a rainbow and putting it in the window to support one another.

As you see people, make sure you use social distancing, but encourage your child to say hello and ask questions.


How do I explain COVID-19 to my child/ren?

Please see the attachment- Support LA - March 2020.


How can I access more work to do with my child/ren?

Email, the teacher will get a message and they will be able to assist you.  If you are keen to have some support with making a timetable for the day, they will try their best to help.  Please see our facebook page, we are updating this regularly with different ideas for learning. Additional learning can be found on our school website under Student Zone.  Specific work for each class can be found on our website- classes- Choose the class- home learning.


We use REAL PE in school and due to the closures, they have created a website with lots of PE activities that can be done at home.  The website address is


Password: kirksmeato


Do I have to do all the work that has been set? 

There are lots of links, websites and ideas for you to work through.  Take some time to look at them and get a plan together for the week/day.  We do not expect for you to do it all, it is there to help you.


Can I get some feedback from teachers?

Yes, teachers are available to email you.  If you need some feedback, let us know.  You could send a picture of the work you have completed and teachers can give you some next steps for learning.

Please email the work that you have been doing, we can add this to the website to share learning during this time.


I hope this has provided some support in an unknown territory, if you have any questions, please let us know and we will do our very best to support you.

All my best to all our families and I hope that you keep healthy and safe. 

Take care and God bless

Mrs Cuddy


Starfish Letter

Dolphins Letter

Lions Letter

Eagles Letter


Letter 24th March 2020

Following the Government announcement last night and listening to guidance from the Department of Education it is essential we now only look after children of those families whereby both parents, or one parent if single, is a critical worker/key worker.  As difficult as it is and as much as we want to help we now have to follow strict government guidance and make sure as many people as possible 'Stay at Home'. This is to protect each and everyone of us.

Please be honest and ask yourself the questions and email to advise if you now don't need to access the provision to make our decisions easier and to avoid us having to make awkward phone calls.

We appreciate working from home with children around is difficult, we also appreciate there will be financial losses in many families however what we also know is we MUST listen to govenment guidance and help save lives.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.


Notice 22nd March 2020

For our parents and carers that have requested our childcare provision from tomorrow, we urge you to consider the below in line with the latest guidance, before bringing your child in.


Letter 20th March 2020


Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to the response to the online questionnaire.  It has helped us work out who we can support during this time.  The school has sent out further information to those who have requested support.

During the school closure, we are still available to assist with work.  If there are any issues, please let the school office know by email and this will be shared with the correct members of staff. Our phone line will be open for emergencies only during this time. We aim to reply within the school day, but this depends on duties during the day and availability of staff.

We will be in contact with work, ideas and support during the next two week and we hope to give you updates on when the school will be open to all pupils. Please see our school website for other information.

I hope that you keep safe and well during this period and look forward to seeing you all when normality resumes. 


Take care and God bless,

Mrs Cuddy


Letter 19th March 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,

In light of the most recent Government updates, you will be aware that schools have been directed to close after Friday and at this time, the closure is indefinite. However, Kirk Smeaton CE Primary School will remain open to the children of key workers, as requested by the Government. The government is yet to finalise the definition of key worker but has indicated that it includes public sector health workers, police, supermarkets, delivery drivers and workers looking after the vulnerable and elderly.

We have put together a survey in order to gain this information, we would appreciate that all parents complete this by 10am on Friday 20th March. Here is a link to the survey

Please give as much detail as possible and if you are unsure, please email explaining briefly what your job entails and we will try to help where we can.

In addition, any student with an EHCP or access to a social worker is eligible to support. Please notify school if you wish to access this support or have any queries around this by 10am on Friday 20th March.

As ever, your support and understanding is greatly appreciated.

Mrs Cuddy



Letter 18th March 2020

Dear Parents and carers,

I hope that all families are safe and well.

NYCC have provided a website for NYCC schools with current guidance on a range of issues around Covid-19. Please see

Please see the section about school absences. If you are self isolating through illness or medical concerns, then you will not be required to complete work. If you are isolating with no illness or medical concerns, then work needs to be completed to be classed as an authorised absence.

This week, we are open as normal, unless we are forced to close.

Teachers are preparing resources to complete at home for next week, if necessary. You may have been sent these already. In the coming days, teachers will be sending out guidance on how this work is to be used, what the expectations are and how to communicate this with the school.

Rest assured, once we have more information, we will make arrangements and let you know as soon as possible.

Kindest regards and God bless,

Mrs Cuddy


Letter 17th March 2020

Dear Parents,

I hope that you well and healthy. I am emailing with yet another update.

Please see for the most recent updates for schools.

Please take some time to think about those people around you who are elderly or at high risk medically and wherever possible, try and isolate them from physical contact with possible carriers.

At present, we are staying open, we have reduced external visitors and any educational visits have been cancelled.

Kindest regards
God bless,
Mrs Cuddy


Letter 16th March 2020

Dear parents/carers,

I thought it would be helpful to update you on our plans and preparations for any potential disruption to school regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Firstly, we continue to monitor daily updates from the government and external agencies and follow all advice as appropriate. Please ensure you keep updated too. 

We have clear procedures in place to deal with any potential disruption including school closure. We will continue to communicate through email with any updates. Please see the attached risk assessment.

As from today, 16th March, all parents/carers are asked to drop children off at the class door promptly and vacate as fast as possible. If you need to speak with a member of staff please email or ring the school. Children will be asked to wash their hands on entry. We hope you appreciate these measures are to protect children, staff, parents and more importantly those who are vulnerable during this time.

We are reducing the amount of whole school events such as collective worship and whole school playtime. Where possible, face to face meetings will be replaced with phone calls or emails. We are monitoring all trips, events and external visitors to school and making decisions on a case by case basis again following the latest advice from the government.

We are currently reviewing practices for continued learning should we have to close the school for any length of time. If this should occur we will communicate directly with you with further instructions and expectations for learning. In the meantime, please see which lists a range of websites for online learning, should you wish to access additional learning.

If your child is unwell and it is unrelated to Coronavirus (COVID-19) then you should follow the normal absence procedures. If your child or someone who you have been in contact with is displaying symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19) then we ask that you follow up to date government guidance and isolate your child for the full period advised and inform school as soon as possible. If you have queries relating to this, please email or phone us. During this period, if you feel your child is able to undertake some home based learning, please contact school.

Please notify school if your contact details have recently changed, or if any other legal guardian requires school updates, this will ensure that all parties have effective communication. We will email parents regarding each event / trip individually to confirm if it will be going ahead.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Kind regards

Mrs Cuddy


Risk Assessment