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School Day: 8:40 - 15:10

Diary Dates - This Week 

 16/12 - Y1 & 2 Nativity

18/12 - KS2 Singalong

19/12 - Starfish Nativity

19/12 - Church Service

20/12 - Christmas Jumper Day

20/12 - School Closes

Future Dates

07/01 - School opens

07/01 - Mobile Library

09/01 - Epiphany Service - Church

13/01 - SHINE Collective Worship

16/01 - Special Lunch day

16/01 - Eagles Basketball Comp

20/01 - SHINE Collective Worship

22/01 - Y3 Parent Dinner

23/01 - Lions Basketball Comp








If your child leaves school unsupervised, please ensure you complete this form.


If your child is due to start secondary school in 2024, please see attached letter.


 If your child is due to start Primary school in 2024, please see attached letter.








Transition to Year 7

Year 6 is a very important time for the children and one of our aims at Kirk Smeaton C of E Primary School is to prepare them for the next stage in their school career. The move from Year 6 to Year 7 can be daunting but also very exciting and we work alongside the local secondary schools to make this transition as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Kirk Smeaton C of E School is based in North Yorkshire therefore our feeder school is Brayton Academy.  Some children decide to attend different high schools, such as Campsmount Academy (South Yorkshire), Carleton High School (West Yorkshire), Snaith High School (North Yorkshire) and there are many others.
The process starts at the beginning of Year 6 when the schools visit the children to explain the types of changes they can expect and all the opportunities that will be on offer.

The Year 6 teachers liaise closely with schools to create a profile of assessment data and transition needs for each child. Each send a representative member of staff to meet the children and discuss with them what their new school will be like.
During the summer term, High schools usually inform us or the parent of the transitional sessions offered.  This could be transition days where they meet their form tutors and take part in lessons or early transition where children start school for a number of weeks before September.

We have close links with some of the private settings too, Wakefield School Foundation and Ackworth School.

How do I apply?

When your child begins Year 6, you will automatically be sent a letter with information of how to apply for the school of your choice.  If you are considering private education, you will need to contact the school directly.

Children with Special Educational Needs

If your child has special educational needs we strongly urge parents to consider secondary school transition when your child is in Year 5. It is encouraged that parents visit the school earlier than normal and meet with the special needs coordinator if possible. Staff at Kirk Smeaton  C of E School will offer support to parents and it is part of the review of the child's EHCP or target plan.