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chool Day: 8:40 - 15:10

Diary Dates - This Week 

03/07 - Forest School - Dolphins

03/7 - KS2 Cricket - Askern Cricket Ground

03/07 - Y5 transition day - Campsmount

04/07 - Carleton School Induction day

05/07 - Careers Morning

05/07 - Non Uniform Day

Future Dates

08/07 - Nursery Stay and play - New Starters

08/07 - Brayton School Transition week

09/07 - Campsmount Transition

09/07 - Sports Day & Summer Fayre

10/07 - Transition Morning

10/07 - KS1 Cricket - Askern Cricket Club

11/07 - Bikes to School - Lions

15/07 - Reception Graduation

16/07 - Reserve Sports Day

16/07 - Leger Sports Awards night

18/07 - Y6 leavers presentation and assembly

19/07 - School closes

2/09 - Staff Training day

03/09 - School Opens







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 If your child is due to start Primary school in 2024, please see attached letter.








Clubs within the school day


Courageous council- We have a school council that meet with Mrs Holmes.  There are usually one child from each year group in the council.  In recent work, we have been working with the Parish Council. 

Current aims:

- Write to the council to persuade them to look at the bus routes through the village.

- Work on the '20 is plenty' scheme, to reduce speeding in the village.

- Work on developing a bedding plant area for the school to share positive messages and prayers.

- Showcase the art work of the school in the telephone box in the village.

- Look at ways we can influence the council to provide walkways into the surrounding villages.

- Plead with local firms to see if we can update the kitchen area in school so we can have an area to cook.


ECO warriors- the ECO warriors are supported by Miss Hallwood and it is their job to keep us ECO friendly.

The council meet to discuss current issue and the aims are:

- Look at ways to reduce heating cost- ie.  turn off lights, reduce the heating down over the holiday periods, turn off equipment, monitoring water usage etc.

- Reduce, reuse and recycle paper and card.  They empty bins weekly and with the school ways to help further.

- Plant flowers to improve the air quality for all.

- Work with other schools and the council to promote the COP26 initiative.


Collective worship and equality council- led by Mrs Cuddy, the council are in charge of running and delivering Collective Worship in school.  The look at ways we can improve prayer, reflection, spirituality and worship.  They present certificates to children who display the core SHINE rules.  They run Collective Worship sessions to share information about equality for all.


Well being council- led by Mr Morgan, the council look at ways to promote healthy lifestyles and healthy minds.  They share their work within Collective worship and look at fun ways to engage the school in positive well being.

Some their recent work includes:

- Sharing resources for well being weeks.

- Planning events in school i.e. planetarium morning, inviting guest to share well being sessions with the children etc.

-Celebrating awards inside and outside of school.


Anti bullying council- led by Mrs Peart Minter, the council looks to support and educate children in bullying and how to stop it.  They do this by:

- Creating a friendship stop in the playground and having buddies.

- Sharing ways to stop bullying school through Collective Worship sessions.

- Accessing training from the Princess Diana trust and sharing this with staff and children. 

- Sharing CPD for staff- anti bullying alliance.

- Updating and sharing policies with stakeholders.


Sports and safety council- led by Mrs Jones, the council looks at ways we can be safer in school and be active too.  The council do this be:

- Sharing Collective Worship sessions on staying safe near water, roads, railways etc.

- Checking PE and playground equipment and reporting issues.

- Take part in H&S walks with Mrs Marner, Mrs Lister and Mrs Cuddy.

- They work with the Leger staff to ensure there coverage and engagement at the competitions.