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chool Day: 8:40 - 15:10

Diary Dates - This Week 

03/07 - Forest School - Dolphins

03/7 - KS2 Cricket - Askern Cricket Ground

03/07 - Y5 transition day - Campsmount

04/07 - Carleton School Induction day

05/07 - Careers Morning

05/07 - Non Uniform Day

Future Dates

08/07 - Nursery Stay and play - New Starters

08/07 - Brayton School Transition week

09/07 - Campsmount Transition

09/07 - Sports Day & Summer Fayre

10/07 - Transition Morning

10/07 - KS1 Cricket - Askern Cricket Club

11/07 - Bikes to School - Lions

15/07 - Reception Graduation

16/07 - Reserve Sports Day

16/07 - Leger Sports Awards night

18/07 - Y6 leavers presentation and assembly

19/07 - School closes

2/09 - Staff Training day

03/09 - School Opens







If your child leaves school unsupervised, please ensure you complete this form.


If your child is due to start secondary school in 2024, please see attached letter.


 If your child is due to start Primary school in 2024, please see attached letter.








Collective worship

At Kirk Smeaton C of E VC School, collective worship is part of every day, it is focused around our vision statement, 'Let God's love shine, as we care for each other and learn together.'

The children access Collective Worship as a whole school 4 times a week in the hall, we share music, light candles, recognise the liturgical drapes, share a picture of the king and the crucifix.  All children are part of delivering the worship and are invited to read and say prayers also.   Children access a class worship once a week with the class teacher. 

Collective worship is a time to reflect on the day or week and develop spirituality of the whole person.   It is inviting and engaging for all.  The purpose is not to covert, but is to learn about faiths and empower self belief and growth.  It is important for both adults and children and allows time for everyone to revisit the day in a reflective and positive way. 

Please see the attached ethos termly plans for more information. 

Monday- we learn about bible stories and relate these to the Christian value for the week.

Tuesday- we link the bible story to current news and focus on how we react as a community, this is usually centred around the Christian value for the week. 

Wednesday-is the class worship, where the children focus on key questions for the week, this could be, 'What would the world be like without any people?'

Thursday- we are joined by Fr Adrian, the parish vicar.  Fr Adrian talks us through being reflective and how to be a better person based on the stories within the bible, this collective worship is based on the statement for the week i.e.  I know how to be happy and healthy.

Friday- Celebration worship is a summary of the week, we review the week, children get a range of rewards, class councils present awards and positive work for the week.  We spend time singing together to give praise to God. 


Each week we have a Christian value, bible story and statement of how to be better people and learn about God's teachings.

Each week classes have debates, philosophical questions, emotional literacy and a range of other self and community reflecting ways.  The children are encouraged to support others within the local and wider community, they have in the past raised money and served for the elderly.


Schools are required by law to provide a daily act of collective worship, mainly Christian in character, unless the Standing Advisory Committee on Religious Education (SACRE) has determined otherwise.

Parents can opt for their child not to attend collective worship, if you would like to discuss this further, please speak with Mrs Cuddy. 


Ethos Sheets
Spring Summer Autumn