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School Day: 8:40 - 15:10

Diary Dates - This Week 

 16/12 - Y1 & 2 Nativity

18/12 - KS2 Singalong

19/12 - Starfish Nativity

19/12 - Church Service

20/12 - Christmas Jumper Day

20/12 - School Closes

Future Dates

07/01 - School opens

07/01 - Mobile Library

09/01 - Epiphany Service - Church

13/01 - SHINE Collective Worship

16/01 - Special Lunch day

16/01 - Eagles Basketball Comp

20/01 - SHINE Collective Worship

22/01 - Y3 Parent Dinner

23/01 - Lions Basketball Comp








If your child leaves school unsupervised, please ensure you complete this form.


If your child is due to start secondary school in 2024, please see attached letter.


 If your child is due to start Primary school in 2024, please see attached letter.









We assess children each term in all areas. 

The core areas- Maths, Reading, Writing, SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar).  Kirk Smeaton School use Rising Stars and SATS past papers to assess progress each term as this is in line with standardised scores and the end of each key stage. 

The foundation subjects/ non core areas- Art, Design Technology, RE, PHSCE, Science, Music, History, Geography, PE and Languages. Please see the attached sheets with the National Curriculum criteria.  Each class teacher highlights the skills that have been taught each term and these are then shared with new teachers as the class moves through school.  Planning is adapted to ensure that all areas are covered.


Standardised scores

Standardised scores are used as part of the KS1 and KS2 assessments.  It gives teachers a score between 85-120 to show where the child is working at:


  • 85-99 is classed as below the National standard
  • 100-105 is classed as working within the National standard
  • 110-120 is working above National standard